Pikachu MP3s

The Pikachu MP3s off the 2.B.A Master CD are finally here!!! If you like the songs from Pikachu's Jukebox, or some other songs from the show that have to do with Pikachu, you'll find them here!

NOTE: By downloading these MP3s, you are accepting them as a demo of the "Pokémon 2.B.A. MASTER" CD and perhaps thinking of buying it. These MP3s are just a fraction of the many great songs found on this awesome CD, and you should really think about buying it if you like these MP3s. It is available to buy from just about every Wal-Mart or Zellers store in Northa America, or you can buy it for a lower price online from Ruby Lane or AnotherUniverse.


They are home entertainment only. I accept no responsibility for any Copyright troubles you might get yourself into by using these wrong.

NOTE FOR WEBMASTERS: It is illegal to take these MP3s off my site an put them on your own pages. I have had an agrement about this demo deal with a Pikachu Music (BMI)/Jigglypuff Music (ASCAP) representative, and unless you also did, you are breaking their Copyright law. Just warning you...

Enough of that legal mumbo-jumbo! I hope you like these MP3s and go an buy the CD for yourself! A big thanks goes out to my good friends Matt and Isaac for their help making these, since I can't run MP3s on my computer...

NEW! Now there's lyrics for each song! Remember to use the PRINT button at the bottom of the left frame to print anything.


2B A MASTER - This is the main track off the CD, and also my favourite! It's the song you've heard from the Pikachu's Jukebox where at the end Ash falls on his head after getting thrown off of Lapras. This song is the best!


MY BEST FRIENDS - From Pikachu's Jukebox again, this is the one showing how good friends everyone is, and near the end Ash is running holding Pikachu up in the air with Misty and Brock behind him.


DOUBLE TROUBLE (TEAM ROCKET) - This one is awesome! You just gotta get it! It's basically Team Rocket singing about everything they'll do and how they hope they'll capture Pikachu. Check it out!!!


THE TIME HAS COME (PIKACHU'S GOODBYE) - Sounds familiar? Well, if you're a big fan of the "Pikachu's Goodbye" episode from the first season of Pokémon, you'll know that this is the song that's sung while Ash remembers all those great times he had with Pikachu. It's a short song compared to the others, but it's very sad if you think about it. WARNING: Do not go to the Sad Pikachu Pictures Page while listening to this song!


TOGETHER FOREVER - The complete oposite of The Time Has Come, this is a happy one saying how Ash and Pikachu will stay together forever. I'm sure you remember the Pikachu's Jukebox with all those great shots of Ash and Pikachu...


VIRIDIAN CITY - Sung by the same person as the Pokémon Intro, this song is a lot of fun! It's about Ash on the road to Viridian City, saying how he's ready to begin and what will happen and so on. It got a great tune! Don't miss it! It's also from a Pikachu's Jukebox: the one where Ash has the funny voice at the end.


WHAT KIND OF POKÉMON ARE YOU? - This one is Matt's favourite and I like it a lot too. Again from Pikachu's Jukebox, this is the song talking about all the different Pokémon like Jigglypuff and their types. It's really funny and cool, so go ahead and download it!


All these MP3s are the FULL songs, not the majorly-edited-and-shortened-for-TV-purposes version. The are all 2 to 3 minutes long, and in stereo.

Have you decided on buying the CD yet? I hope so!


Any broken links? Let me know!